For this semester I will be focusing on creating a game in Unity. Unity is a program that you can create 3D objects in and animate them with code to get them to move the way you want them to. I believe you can also import 3D objects into Unity if you want more complex models but I will be creating simple characters in my game and focusing more on the coding. So far I have accomplished learning how to create 3D objects in unity and I have learned some of the coding techniques.
Right now I have a cylinder, my temporary character, and I have learned how to enter code to make my person jump up and down when pressing a certain button. Right now I am watching a very beginner tutorial on how to use the basics of unity and how to code your objects. My end goal with unity is to create a game where I have a character who can travel around my world(that I will create) and solve various puzzles.
I want to add in some simple puzzles like word search, sudoku, etc. When my player solves a puzzle they will get coins. The game will end when the player gets enough coins to buy the next level. I will probably only have enough time to create 1 level so the game will just end after level 1 or maybe 2 if I have enough time. My next step in this project is to create a more complex character and to get the world created with boundaries of where the character can go.